Getting her feet on the ground after her first two days at Sea was liberating. She could still feel the dizziness. Litz had decided to go on a cruise for the first time and she had gone “all in” with a transatlantic route. That morning was her last chance to touch the European continent before crossing the Ocean.

She had put on her sporty outfit and walked silently next to a couple of friends from the cruise, who were both excited to climb Gibraltar’s mountain. Alex and Jennifer were very different with each other. He was quiet, introvert, cold, well-mannered and thoughtful. In one word: he was German. On the contrary, Jennifer was one of the most exuberant and sexy creatures Litz had met in her life: an extraverted, gorgeous, stylish, charismatic and beautiful black woman. The two girls spent their time before hiking arguing about the difference of multinational and local Fashion brands and the impact a customer can make to the last ones, while Alex complained to have joined them.

At some point a little monkey came out from the forest and struck a pose for them to take a picture. Litz asked herself if the monkey was trained to impress or simply had fun with tourists. After a few steps, the group found itself at the basement of steep stairs to climb the mountain to its peak. “Be aware that monkeys can act aggressively if constrained”, said a sign in front of the stairs. Litz could see dozens of monkeys everywhere on the trees and even on the steps. She avoided her fears and started to climb.

It had been years since she did some exercise, so she found herself alone, hardly breathing on the middle of the stairs, while her friends had advanced faster to the top. She took a moment to look around and feel present in life. There was silence all around her and she could feel the cold breeze on her cheeks. Suddenly, a monkey jumped on her back. Litz screamed, left her hold and sat down on the stairs with her eyes closed, like a little baby. The monkey quickly disappeared again, but Litz was stuck in a panic attack and couldn’t move.

– Give me your hand. Don’t worry, I can help you.

A very tall and handsome man with a strong British accent offered his hand. He was one of the guards and took care of the tourists if they got attacked or lost, she discovered. His name was Andy and his blue eyes were magnetic.

– Come with me, breath slowly.

She followed him. She enjoyed the warm feeling of holding a man’s hand, her panic had disappeared.

– Is this your first climbing?

He asked.

– Well, it’s not my first time, actually, but I enjoy the height much more than the hiking itself. And I’m not used to be around wild animals.

– I see. I grew up in a village near the mountains in Britain, for me it’s always been normal to be in the nature.

– Well, I was born and raised in the city. A fish tank was the most natural thing I had when I was a child.

– Oh my God, it sounds like an awful childhood!

– Well, actually I was also allowed to have a turtle!

They laughed together and soon reached the top. Litz found her friends taking pictures of the amazing view of the point where Europe meets Africa. She left behind any romantic thought she was having about Andy, as she had already learnt the hard way that those feelings came only out of her adrenaline flowing after a dangerous situation. Instead, she hugged her friends.

– Where were you, Litz?

Jennifer asked.

– I was attacked by a monkey and was stuck in panic for a while. The guard helped me.

She replied.

Jennifer: – Oh my God, are you OK? I was also attacked by a monkey while I was taking pictures!

Litz: – Seriously?! What about you, Alex?

Alex: – They didn’t touch me, actually.

“We have not evolved that much, after all”, Litz thought. Monkeys just wanted to touch the girls!